Comparing statistical models for Customer Lifetime Value
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a prediction of future profits you expect from a customer. This is an applied research project of Lucie Šperková, Lenka Vraná, Pavel Jašek, Marek Kobulský and Zdeněk Smutný. This team comes from University of Economics, Prague and Charles University in Prague.
Initial page, how we gathered research partners (in Czech only)
This page explains the current state and already published publications from this research.
We’ve been communicating with some 12 partners who had been willing to share their data with us.
We’re waiting for reviews on our submission to Journal of Business Research. The proposed article compares several statistical models on real-world data from 6 partners.
In 2018 Pavel Jašek should have ready his dissertation thesis that would benefit from this research in the following way:
Papers already published :
Bachelor thesis the team worked on:
Pavel Jašek